CitraNOX Image Gallery

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Option #1

Increasing circulation is vital for peak performance. Your blood transports important nutrients your muscles needed to take your workout to the next level! Taken before a workout, citrulline supports healthy blood vessel dilation, helping you crush it on the track, in the weight room or in your home gym.#Orthomolecularproducts #functionalmedicine #bloodpressure #citrulline #quercetin #grapeseedextract #cardiometabolic #cardiovascular #metabolic #hearthealth #diastolic #systolic

Option #2

Maintaining normal blood pressure levels is important for supporting cardiometabolic health, especially during stressful times. Citrulline, along with antioxidants like quercetin and grape seed extract, maintain normal inflammatory balance and nitric oxide production, which helps maintain blood pressure already within normal levels. Contact our office today for more information! #Orthomolecularproducts #functionalmedicine #bloodpressure #citrulline #quercetin #grapeseedextract #cardiometabolic #cardiovascular #metabolic #hearthealth #exercise #performance

Option #3

Citrulline is a precursor to arginine, the building block of nitric oxide, which helps dilate your blood vessels and maintain normal blood pressure. Unlike arginine, which breaks down quickly in the body, citrulline has a longer half-life, making it a more effective choice for circulation support. Ask our office today if citrulline is right for you. #Orthomolecularproducts #functionalmedicine #bloodpressure #citrulline #quercetin #grapeseedextract #cardiometabolic #cardiovascular #metabolic #hearthealth #diastolic #systolic

©  Ortho Molecular Products

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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